Monday, May 30, 2011

Our Time is Coming

School is finally out for summer and I am already feeling more relaxed and less stressed. I am planning on doing a lot of school stuff this summer to help with our new curriculum that we got last year but........our main goal this summer is to begin our own family! I must say I had NO idea that it was soooo difficult to get pregnant but we are finding out just how hard it can be!

I know I am a huge planner and its not that I "stress" about it but we long for a sweet little baby of our own and that is all that is on my mind. Its easy for others to say don't stress about it, it will happen in God's time, just pray about it, maybe its not the right time.....and so on but I must admit hearing those things makes it ten times harder! I know that God knows when we are ready and we do pray about it but the feeling that you feel inside every single month when it doesn't happen is beyond words. I wouldn't say that I am stressed out about it, but I do wonder every month why....wHY....WHY!!!!

We are keeping a positive outlook and hoping that by the end of the summer Macie and Max will be waiting for their new little friend to protect all the time!! Thank God for summer time and hot weather!! Those are two things that make me sooo happy!! Well its off to get a summer tan started so......til next time....................

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