We have been to the doctor a couple of times over the past few months and I started taking different kinds of medicines, but it made me feel really weird and more stressed out then I was before. I guess I was just scared of the HIGH possibility of multiplies and that really freaked me out. We have kind of put the whole infertility doctor on hold this month so I can just relax and we can just try on our own for a couple of months. If this does not work by September then it's back to the doctor we go!
With all the babies that are being born all around me.....who knew it would be THIS DIFFICULT for us! Well if I can tell you anything.....it is that I am TOTALLY more educated about the conceiving process, the medicines and procedures for infertility, all the over the counter ovulation kits and prescriptions, and just my own body in general!! I must say this is not the way I wanted to learn about all of these things or if I even wanted to learn about some of them, but guess that's why I have to LET GO and LET GOD!!!!
This month is over.....so we are going to be HOPEFUL for next month!! ............until then..... :)